
New Member
Hi from a new member,
I,ve got a really poorly P38 2.5 DSE. It fell out with me when I left the sunroof open over night. Of course, it rained, and it has sent all, I mean ALL the electrics doo-lally.
Fuel cap opened its self, now it won't work at all.
Alarm activated.
Radio switching its self on and off.
Wipers jerking accross by them selves.
Temp red light on.
Every fault message you can think of comming up on the dash computer.
HeVac not working.
I could carry on, but the biggest prob is, that I want to cure first, when you put the ignition on the starter motor kicks in.
I,ve had a de-humidifier in for 4 days now and everthing is bone dry.
Any help would be appreciated.:confused:
Disconnect battary to stop real damage
Lots of WD40 everywhere (WD40 = Water Displacment number 40)
Check the fuse box.
Let it dry out for a couple of weeks

And again WD40
If the water was not pure you may have to carefully wash any electronics with distilled water.
And then let them dry out for a week or so in the airing cupboard if you can

did i say WD40:)
Thanks for the replies, but the problem isn't getting rid of the water, I've done that. I hoped there was some elecrical wizards out there that could tell me what to do next.
As part of training to be a IT consultant they delete your personality and fill it up with useless bits of information such as the speed of light (186000 mps or cir 300000 kmps) and what WD40 stands for so you can scare away interesting people at parties (A bit like owing a landy :) )
see link
Rusty I'm / was a electronics engineer and if you are still experiencing random electrical faults then it going to be one of too things.

1. You still have water in the works.
You may think that you have dried out everything but you may
still find dampness in the connectors. Check around some of the smaller electrical components. Look at the legs of the chips and under them (if you can).It will take a lot of drying to get the water out of all the connectors etc..

2. You have done real damage to the logic.
This could be expensive and unless you have a electronics faultfinding experience + a load of test equipment
I would go down the route of swapping one bit at a time if you have a mate with the same car or a scrap yard willing to let you try one bit at a time.

Good luck
or take out a new mortgage and get yo LR agent involved. Wont necessarily fix it, but its an easy way to get rid of a lot of dosh.

Seriuosly - wot about the diagnostic kit - cud the little black boxes have got confused and need resetting?
The Mad Hat Man said:
or take out a new mortgage and get yo LR agent involved. Wont necessarily fix it, but its an easy way to get rid of a lot of dosh.

Seriuosly - wot about the diagnostic kit - cud the little black boxes have got confused and need resetting?

I think the little Black box is having a very very bad day and yes if its possible to reboot your car then its worth a try but I suspect that would require a trip to your local landy agent.
Clivees - on a similar vain - i know of a good Landy mobile electrician - did me proud - he is based in Alton - Paul Edwards on 01420 525252 if yu evva need one.

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