
New Member
[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Trail Maintenance Weekend on Gatescarth Pass on over 5th and 6th April.[/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif'][/FONT]
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[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Meeting point will be Mardale Head, Haweswater, at 09.30am each day OS Grid Ref NY469 107. There will be some stone pitching work to do, and water run-off ditches to clear, as well as track edge reinforcement to maintain, and associated stone gathering. The photos below shows some of the work we've done previously on Gatescarth.[/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif'][/FONT]
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[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']If members can attend both days that will be very useful, but members who can attend on one or other of the days will be very welcome. The usual strong boots, safety gloves, clothes you don't mind getting dirty, and waterproof gear, along with the usual food for the day/s and a willingness to get your hands dirty, under some supervision and safety is what's required. You can bring along shovels, bars and pick axes, but we hope that some tools will also be available from the National Park Authority. [/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif'][/FONT]
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[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']It is very important that we know who is coming along for a number of reasons, but mainly to ensure that there are more just one of two of us there. Also, so that we can plan how many people there will be do certain tasks.[/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif'] [/FONT]
[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Could anyone wishing to volunteer, please let me know ASAP & let me know which days you can attend. Email: [/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif'] [/FONT]
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[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Paul de Borde[/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif'][/FONT]

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