Daniel Hunt

New Member
Hi All, I have a Landrover Freelander 05 plate which I love, the only issue that keeps returning to haunt me is every 8-12 months I get a wining noise from the drive shaft housing, twice now the main front drive shaft bearing has been replaced and it instantly cures the problem. The first time this was done it lasted about a year, second time it has been about 8 months and the dreaded noise if back and getting louder.

The noise is not related to the wheels and is constant, turning corners does not stop or lesser the sound. 2 separate people have advised it is the main front drive shaft bearing and certainly replacing it sorts out the problem but it seems to be a temporary fix.

My question is what could be causing the bearing to excessively wear out in a matter of months?? could it be the drive shaft is bent or miss aligned? It seems the result of the problem is being replaced but not the root of the problem. I am in the Surrey area, I have limited mechanical ability and facilities.

I have heard of the housing being machined out and an insert being made to correct the alignment, although this sounds like it makes sense to me I do not know where or who would do this?? My local Landy mechanic who did the work the second time around said if it returned he would not be able to do anything.

Has anyone else come across this or are there any Freelander Guru's out there who can offer some advice please.


I'm assuming you're talking about the VCU support bearings under the middle of the car? The answer to them having a short life is twofold. First only use genuine LR parts or OE parts which are of GKN manufacture.

Secondly but equally importantly, the VCU assembly MUST be fitted on the centre line of the vehicle and the bearings MUST be at 90° to the VCU shafts.

Doing both of these things will give the bearings a more acceptable life span.

Also do the One Wheel Up Test and make sure all tyres are identical with least worn on the rear. ;)
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I'm assuming you're talking about the VCU support bearings under the middle of the car? The answer to them having a short life is twofold. First only use genuine LR parts or OE parts which are of GKN manufacture.

Secondly but equally importantly, the VCU assembly MUST be fitted on the centre line of the vehicle and the bearings MUST be at 90° to the VCU shafts.

Doing both of these things will give the bearings a more accessible life span.

Also do the One Wheel Up Test and make sure all tyres are identical with least worn on the rear. ;)
+1, Wot he said. Short life span is a very common complaint when aftermarket spares are used and/or they're not fitted correctly

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