No no no, I is using moon rock that has special properties crumbled into my fuel,..... when combined with a gizmo attached to my battery gives me a power increase of 1000% and 578.972mpg when running liquid TITanium fuel.......Always with the magnets.....BTW I just flushed me engine with jelly and it's running a bit rough
Very good :D:D:D

In that case it could be one of hundreds and thousands of things

All well with you KTM???
Very good :D:D:D

In that case it could be one of hundreds and thousands of things

All well with you KTM???

Bast bastid bastid......that was me next one!!!!!
See tother fred about me status.....fings is grim, credit crunch is crunchin
I'm detecting some hostility here ! ............basically none of the ****e fuel saver/snake oil thingys work or they'd all be on production cars.
of course they work or they wouldnt be on sale would they ? i bought a fuel saver off the net and it was a snap at £1786.48 !

it is supposed to give you a 700% boost to your fuel economy and a 60% power increase. but it needs to be fitted to the vehicle for one year or have been driven for 40,000 miles in order to 'micro charge' the special crystals.

well i thought thats gotta be worth the outlay, 700% increase in enconomy ? aint good at maths but i should be getting about 200 mpg out of me discovery when the cystal thingys are fully charged !

cant wait for it to start working so im out to get another 100 miles added to the 3056 i already clocked up. :)
Got one of those myself and can highly recommend it. Havent fitted it yet, its still in the glovebox but saving me fuel already. Must get around to fitting it - cant wait to see the improvement..............
Wot with using water instead of oil plus 700% increase in fule economy, LRs must be one of the cheapest cars on the road ennit? I suddenly feel quite green. Think I might go n hug a tree.....
I use all the above, and the same nice man sold me a "spitfire" thingy to go on the lead from the coil to the dizzy to increase the power of the spark. I told him I had a 2.5 td and he said it would do the same if I used a cable tie and fastened it to my air filter so I am miles ahead of you lot.
If you have one of the new keyfobs with 3 buttons, you will find that holding down the left two whilst starting the engine will remap the ECU and adjust the fuel injection delay by 2.7 degrees and also alter the intake lag which will not only save u fuel but also enhance performance. Combined with the magnetic fuel saver, the spitfire etc, your car will soon be using less fuel that u put in it....
I did that, Mysteryman, and now i pour exhaust gas in to the fuel tank and diesel comes out the egg-sauced, tis great i tell yer.
Reckon we're on to something here odenne - gonna be phoning the patent office tomorrow. Apparently some people are sceptical about our findings. Can u believe it??!!??
Now as some of you know I’m in the motor trade, quite recently I took a customers car for MOT, she had one of those very expensive Eco magnets ‘professionally’ fitted and a print out of the ‘before and after’ fuel figures.
The car failed on emissions and I carried out the usual checks on the ECU and Lambda Probe, no faults found, fitted a new cat……….still failed the emission test. Just out of interest I removed the magnet thing, drove it for about five miles and tried the emissions again and it passed with room to spare.
So you see all you sceptics, those magnet things do actually work, if only to screw up your car.:hysterically_laughi

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