
Active Member
Hi all,

Some of you may know from my previous posts that I have built several storage systems/ sleeping platforms into discovery's I've owned.

Now that I've got a defender I couldn't help myself fiddling with it so I've made a storage box with a fold down door/ table. The idea is that I can use it for storing my cooker/ food, and as a platform for the cooker or my laptop to stand on when on camping trips. I've also found a really simple way of putting up a campbed I have in the back, so that I can temporarily use my 110 as a camper, without having to build anything in, or use large pieces of ply to bridge gaps etc.

Anyway here are the pics.





Thanks fellas, I wanted it to be as simple as possible, because like most of us I use my landy to get to work and back, take the dog out in, and generally normal stuff. On the occasions where I'm greenlaning or camping I want to be able to comfortably live and kip in the landy, but then when I'm back in the 'real world', I don't want to be driving round all the time in a full time camper. It's ideal for what I want, and for those in a similar position to me. The beauty of it is that the box cost maybe 25 quid to make, and the camp bed was maybe 15 quid about 8 years ago.

The storage box was made from an old offcut of 12mm shuttering ply which I had lying around (Hence why the box is the length it is, and not the full length of the bench seat). I removed the seat base frame and built the box onto it. It was painted in some grey primer and underseal from B&Q (which roughly matches the grey bits of interior), and the most expensive part was buying ali angle in order to trim the edges of the box. That part was the hardest, because mitring the corners was an issue since my lacklustre approach to measuring properly meant the box was far from square. The edges need a bit of filing cos I've cagged my sleeves on them already once or twice. On the whole I'm pleased though, and might take a trip up to North Wales next week to test it all out.
Haha, I couldn't bring the milk from home cos the glass bottle would have smashed while I was driving on the Greenlane.

I worked on a dairy farm while studying Agriculture and we used to make tea with the milk running through the plate cooler on its way to the bulk tank. Don't get any fresher than that lol.

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