
Active Member
Early theo other evening, I saw a stricken 110 at a crossroads just up the road from my house. As I was in the ****box (VW) I continued driving the half mile home.

I left it 15 mins, and then nipped back out, this time in the 110, and spotted him (very slowly limping) towards me. I turned around, and followed him to the next layby, where he pulled up. Turns out he had run out of fuel. I offered to shoot to fuel station and fill up my jerry can for him, which was greatly accepted. He wouldnt leave his 110 as he had a massive arc welder fixed in the tub.

Got back, filled up, no luck. Turns out fuel filter was ####ed, so he turned round to limp back home. Just next to layby is huge hill, so I followed him up, hazards flashing.

He made it half way before his 110 gave up and wouldnt start, so I overtook, threw a strop on his towing eye and towed him back to his home around 8 miles away. No pictures as I didnt have my phone at the time, but was just lucky timing.

Turns out the owner was a fairly ill old chap, who just needed to get home!
Maybe he will be joining our ranks soon! One can hope!

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