I am!

Had a great time the other day at "The Pit". Thanks for showing us round. It cost me £30 at my local jet washer to get that mud of the car and its still looks a state!:D
No problem it was good fun, shame it was so wet it made it a bit too slippery to get everywhere. I don't know mud anywhere that is as slippery as the mud at Devils Pit and it sets like concrete afterwards. Still next time lets hope it's a bit drier and we can do more runs. Are you up for doing those lanes around Broxbourne in a couple of weeks time?
I'd be up for going long as i'm not working, i've not been greenlaning b4 and would love to give it a try, any ideas as to when you'd be going ?
Probably be up for doing some next weekend 14/15-10-06. Maybe Devils Pit on the Sunday, Interested?
Hey People,

Anyone doing any laning trips in the next few weeks?

Im trying Whitwell/Hitchen if the lanes are open and legal over the next few days after work

Reminds me I gotta dig my o.s. map out of my soggy toolbox!


(Jai 90 camel copy-ish)
Hi guys

Just got myself a Rangie 2.5 dti and will be doing some laning soon just need to sort out the smoke problem i have . Then once its up and running i'd love to join ya doing some laning . Done some before in my mates frontera . Did one in Whitwell at the top of horn hill and nearly got stuck lol ,
Also done quite a few near dane end and datchworth dunno if you have been to these
Once the rangie is sorted i'll let ya know
Hello Gentleman,
I would also like to join you in your forays through the lanes, so when you are booking your next trip drop us a line,

Many thanks
As of febuary i should be working monday to friday again after 9 years of shift work and will be getting my landy back next week with a 200tdi fitted and chomping at the bit for some mud :) can't do anything b4 feb as i'll be in Austria snowboarding :) !!
Hi Tiki, you did'nt say you were a 'Gay on a Tray' Have a good trip, give me a shout when you're back. I'm ripping up the French slopes early Feb, so anytime after that.

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