
So I'm about to go to bed when there's a knock at the door and a gentleman(god bless him) standing there telling me he has just scared off 2 lads wheeling my defender off the drive and down the street!! They weren't far off succeeding either! Turns out they short circuited it and popped the door lock...then removed the 2 ecu plugs before wheeling it back into the road where they were disturbed.

She is in the shop getting basic repairs but I want to secure the hell out of it! I know you can never fully stop thieves. hoping an upgraded alarm (clifford) a tracker, clutch pedal, disklok, gear lock and a security post may deter....and proximity sensors on the landy and the drive.. This may seem excessive but paranoid is an understatement. Any got advice for me? Greatly appreciated hoping an upgraded alarm (clifford) a tracker, clutch pedal, disklok, gear lock and a security post may deter....and proximity sensors on the landy and the drive..
And motion sensor CCTV linked to alarm?
All the best to the bloke who disturbed them & good job the defender is still with you.

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