
Well-Known Member
Well the inevitable bag of bolts musical concerto was played on my LT177 gear box on Sunday night :( So, I'm wondering if anyone has a spare box and bits in good nick? Currently has a 200tdi conversion and at this point to the best of my knowledge without running her again the engine's still fine. But I've been offered a battered and no longer even close to road worthy off roaded Disco with 300tdi working engine and box (axles are still fine on that but chassis is rotten and twisted, some corrosion elsewhere and every panel's the wrong shape!). I'm mulling the idea of doing a complete swap out and offsetting any salvage from the Disco and the 200tdi engine against the cost - yes, I know the 200tdi is supposed to be the better engine and that there will have to be mods in my old 90 to fit it in so I'm thinking cost wise getting a replacement gear box is the better option?
Just put me straight on whether the 300tdi is a daft idea or not please or point me in the direction of a good box for the 1989 90 with 200tdi or let me know if you want the 98 Disco so I can flog it on and pay for my own repair work! Any interest in that please pm for details.
Incidentally, who would you go to in the North East to get the work done - it won't fit in my garage, it only just fits in the pocket drive in front of the garage and the street is too steep and narrow to carry out this type of work on so the bug**ring thing will have to go somewhere.
I need to do some proper examination on the box to see what's what with it but will have to wait for someone else with a bit of know how to be around and also to ensure that a) I don't get run over while doing so and b) the 90 doesn't go gallumphing off down the hill to wreak havoc on someone's house, body or car as the handbrake's on pretty much the last adjustment. Happy days. :rolleyes:
Thanks in advance for any input.
Well the inevitable bag of bolts musical concerto was played on my LT177 gear box on Sunday night :( So, I'm wondering if anyone has a spare box and bits in good nick? Currently has a 200tdi conversion and at this point to the best of my knowledge without running her again the engine's still fine. But I've been offered a battered and no longer even close to road worthy off roaded Disco with 300tdi working engine and box (axles are still fine on that but chassis is rotten and twisted, some corrosion elsewhere and every panel's the wrong shape!). I'm mulling the idea of doing a complete swap out and offsetting any salvage from the Disco and the 200tdi engine against the cost - yes, I know the 200tdi is supposed to be the better engine and that there will have to be mods in my old 90 to fit it in so I'm thinking cost wise getting a replacement gear box is the better option?
Just put me straight on whether the 300tdi is a daft idea or not please or point me in the direction of a good box for the 1989 90 with 200tdi or let me know if you want the 98 Disco so I can flog it on and pay for my own repair work! Any interest in that please pm for details.
Incidentally, who would you go to in the North East to get the work done - it won't fit in my garage, it only just fits in the pocket drive in front of the garage and the street is too steep and narrow to carry out this type of work on so the bug**ring thing will have to go somewhere.
I need to do some proper examination on the box to see what's what with it but will have to wait for someone else with a bit of know how to be around and also to ensure that a) I don't get run over while doing so and b) the 90 doesn't go gallumphing off down the hill to wreak havoc on someone's house, body or car as the handbrake's on pretty much the last adjustment. Happy days. :rolleyes:
Thanks in advance for any input.
Hmmm, someone on one of the local agricultural sell & seeks up here in the Lakes had a fully reconditioned (by MOD) one up for grabs.

:) Thanks for the reply FMog, I'd have followed up on that one but vilguy has a working box which I'd already taken up his offer on. All being well I should be picking it up soon. Any problems at all I'll definitely be in touch. Thanks.

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