
New Member
Hi Guys,

My 90 made it into the top 50 photos! woo hoo! Its now down to the public vote for the best 12 so please please please vote for mine here: LRO/BEARMACH Calendar 2013 Voting - Category: Land Rover Calendar

Your looking for this pic:

Being honest this is not one of my better pics. Problem was it had to be a photo of YOUR Land Rover. Most of my favourites come from others as they are better/easier to capture. never mind.

More photos of that trip can be found here:

Thanks for your time.
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Not a bad photo, although i think it would have been better with the door shut.

I'll go vote for you all the same though :)
Not a bad photo, although i think it would have been better with the door shut.

I'll go vote for you all the same though :)

Agreed. Everyone has said the same (inc myself) when your leading a group of mates though they get a little impatient when I stop, jump out, line up a pic and then run to get back in! Never enough time. I often race ahead stop, get out and photo them coming through. Never enough time when out greenlaning :bowl:

Oh yeah, and the link to your facebook album won't work unless we're all your friends on facebook, or I believe you can alter your security settings so strangers can view your photos :)
Facebook link didnt work.... Where was the pic taken?

Peak District. I cannot recall exactly where though sorry. It was Feb earlier in the year and was hovering around 0 degrees all day every day and around -6 at night. Spent 5 days greenlaning there.

least you've got to do Stanage Edge... that's one of the lanes they're trying to permanently close :(
your all legends! Thanks guys. I may actually be in with a chance now :)

Stanage is good. Driven it twice now. Don't feel the need to do it again though. First time we went up it and the second down as it had a voluntary TRO on it.

That whole trip was darkened by the attitudes of walkers towards us. Really really hostile. I have a lot of respect for the lanes we drive and I do plenty of other outdoor stuff and I cannot understand how these people can be so close minded. You can do everything, drive slow, stop for horses, let people pass, say hello, offer a cup of tea but man they are some stern mother ****ers up there. All in all I don't think I will be driving in the peaks again now before we leave the UK next year, its a shame as some of the scenery is very nice. Will stick with Wales I think as you never see anyone out and about there! Not even other vehicles.


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