
New Member
I did a search first but couldnt find exactly what i was looking for.

I noticed the heater pipes on the 90 I just bought were blocked up.
I bought it cheap as 3rd gear was gone. but however its just a bit difficlut to find. so I applied the " I must of bought this of a fool theory" and tried to reconect it. I noticed a leak from the pipe and tightened the clip and it was fine. I though woohoo! however it was short lived. the cab steamed up and there is water dripping from where the big box thing connects to the bulkhead.

What i would like to know is it hard to remove the entire box and how do i do it. do i need to drill out the rivets. or does it unbolt complete from somewhere I thought i would ask (would really love some pics if its poss) before i pull the whole thing to pieces

Thanks for that. will have a go now, is that unbolt from the bulkhead means the screws are in the dash side or engine side.

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