
New Member
So a couple of weeks ago I bought a LR90 1986 county.


My plan is a complete rebuild! It's not in a pretty state as you can see. We had to trailer it back home
I'm trying to find a barn or shed somewhere in cheshire so I can strip her down completely to really assess what I need to do! In the meanwhile Im assessing what I can do for now. The first thing I did was to clean out the back. It was full of junk and some random interior trim. Don't think that its original but Ill take all the parts I can get.

Unfortunately the door lock is completely jammed.
It's seen better days.
So I got inside and cleaned her out
I though that I would try and sort out the doors first because I haven't got the space for to strip it down the chassis. Found that the glass I was missing in the passenger side door had just slipped down into the frame :)

Hex bolts were so rusted they were a nightmare to get off. I tried heating them but I ended up rounding some of them because they were so knackered. Luckily the door frames were so rusted I could get the dremel in and cut off the nuts.

So this is what I've got to work with (drivers side door)
My passenger side door Is completely bent

so I managed to get hold of a cheap one. I tore it down to see what I bought

So both doors need a lot of work and I had planned on welding in plates myself. I want to get them rust free, galvanise them, prime them, paint them, wax oil them in an attempt to prevent future rot issues.

After a week of contemplation, my dad found a company in york that will weld them up (to a better standard than I could dream of) and galvanise them. So I might go down that route...
Good to see one being brought back to life....the very best of luck....keep sending the photos :clap2:
Looking at that the doors are the least of your worries. You need to be stripping that right down.
Looking at that the doors are the least of your worries. You need to be stripping that right down.

As soon as I find a place to do the stop down I'm getting a new chassis and bulkhead! I'll replace and refurb anything that needs it :) just doing the doors for now unti I can actually do the rest. Itching to get fully into it..
What the chuff is that?

It looks like a load of melted white plastic or Stevie Wonders first attempt at filling and painting, are the vents still under there?
What the chuff is that?

It looks like a load of melted white plastic or Stevie Wonders first attempt at filling and painting, are the vents still under there?

Fibreglass! It's covering a very rotten bulkhead. The vents are still under there. I'll post pictures as soon as I cut off the fibreglass :)
+1. Well worth the money.
And that bulkhead :eek: I can't even begin to describe what I think.

I know right! Somebody with no clue probably thought It was a clever repair at the time but I can tell you now Its a freaking nightmare to get off. The previous owner must have been into boats more than cars. I've got the bits to sand it off, Im just wondering about the glass fibre.. from what I've been reading I need to wear a mask to stop my lungs from giving up (they have had enough punishment over the years)

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