
New Member
Hello all.

I have an LR3. Three months old. Love it to bits - see

But it is also now displaying regular suspension errors: after three times in the shop (totalling almost a month) and replacement of battery, wiring loom, etc, all to no avail, I am now running our of patience: I am asking Land Rover for a new car. We'll see what they say.
Good luck with your taking LR to task, glad to hear you liked the car at the start!!

I was speaking to my Brother in Law last week. He worked at LR when they were developing the LR3 and has told me quite a few interesting stories about the car and its development. One thing he did mention was the fact that there is a major wiring connector ( suspension wiring loom) that is actually located inside the rear chassis ( or what supports the rear suspension nowadays!). Apparently, during development, many people pointed out that this would lead to suspension unreliability and expensive repairs to the loom should the connector fail.

I only have his word on this, but it makes you think...

That is consistent with my experiences. They have already replaced the rear wiring loom, which was wet and internally corroded. Maybe that happened again.

Also: We get a lot of salt on the roads here in winter. That worries me too (the underside of the car is already rusted, e.g. the rear differential etc.) I wonder if they took that into account.

Interesting and I bet that story is true. It's just what I would imagine the design decisions would be.
Hi there,

great travel report on your site. I love our new LR3 so far, but now I am a bit concerned....and hope that we won't have to deal with the same problem.

Good luck with the repair and please keep us posted about the findings/corrective measures.

Best wishes,

Don't worry - the car is great. Enjoy it.

But my car just had the same suspension fault again...! Chris Samadh of LR Canada is handling the issue and I must say I appreciate the help. LR appears very embarassed by all this, and Chris has just told me he is willing to let me have a new car - unfortunately, they have none (ordered 77, received just three). But he is on the case, so no doubt will find some solution... I must say LR are being very helpful. I'll keep you all informed. Tomorrow my car will go to the dealer's again, no doubt.

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