
New Member
Sorry if its been covered a million times, im quite new to the land of range rovers!

Im looking at getting an LPG conversion, as ive been told they can be done for around £700.

Is this true? Last i looking into it for my 740 BMW 5 years ago it was around £1500.

Pro's and con's too please...

If your down south it would be more like £2500 - but it depends on what milage you are doing - you will be saving 15p - 20p per mile - so after 20k miles it will have paid for itself...
I probably do about 4k a year in it, just thought it would make me feel better, and easier to sell on when im board of it..
I probably do about 4k a year in it, just thought it would make me feel better, and easier to sell on when im board of it..

It might make it easier, but don't expect to get your money back. Certainly with the P38s it seems to make no difference to the price whether it's got LPG or not.

If you're not going to fit a decent system (and I can't imagine what you'd get for only £700) then it isn't worth doing.


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