I'm out of the country and just been told the disco has failed the MOT:
Reason(s) for failure
offside front lower Axle swivel joint has excessive play in a ball joint (2.5.A.3b)

It has only done 1000miles since the last MOT, so no idea why this has cropped up. Well I do - they want £1500 to replace the joint!

I've had a quick look - the job looks horrific, unsure if I fancy doing it myself. Although if the cost of tools is similar to the cost at a garage I may do!

Does anyone know how much it should cost at Land Rover indie ?

How Much?????? I think they do not want the work. LOL.

Tool kit , for the cromwell one is about £90, cheaper ones are available.
http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/m.html?_odkw=&_ssn=crombay&nma=true&item=131110401906&orig_cvip=true&_osacat=0&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&si=G%2FAKV0HAyruogGrAG%2BvLgd7uJl4%3D&_from=R40&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.TRS0&_nkw= 5036140046245&_sacat=0

or this one, but some people have said it is a bit soft, never used one so do not know.


Good luck on this.

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Well that looks fun! I wonder what the book time for replacing those is...can't be more than 2 hours surely? For a couple of hundred quid including parts - I would be getting an indy garage onto it.:D
On a ramp with good tooling if all goes well, about four hours work each side. That is for lower and upper swivels and replace drive shaft oil seals. Less than £100.00 for all OEM parts. So unless they charge £175.00 an hour it's a tad on the steep side.

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