
New Member
Have this problem where the monitor in the car tells me the battery is low....and shuts down the electrics.
Has anyone else had this problem with the 11 model year?
year is 11
it is the Vogue SE diesel

the symptoms in that thread are exactly the same as I am experiencing......but find it strange that LR could be still be getting these problems today when they have been known about for a couple of years?

I have had the "fix", with a new AGM battery and a different monitor, but it seems to have made no difference.
Regular as clockwork "low battery, pls start engine", and an inability to use the FBH.
well, if no one else on here has experience of this to help you which is possible since its so new,at least it must be under warranty and you can keep taking it back until they fix it :)

what has the dealer said so far?
yikes! just read that disco thread. its as bad as microsoft, all the software needing patches and the patches needing updates. it really looks like this P38 is going to be my last LR. it has its foibles but we know each other well now. it was just too much of a learning curve and investment in time and effort. i don't regret it in the slightest because i've had a lot of fun but i also know i can't be bothered to go through as much for every car i eventually own.
Same problem here, LR Autobiography 5.0 SC 2010.

Low Batt warning after 200 Km, when I try to use aux heater.
Service already changed some "voltage monitor" part.
The electrical systems in the new RR scare the sh1t out of me !
Certainly looks too complicated for DIY :S
Based on the linked thread, there is still no fix for this problem. Other than check the alternator is still functioning, if so, replace battery. That must get expensive if you're out of warranty.
I've got a 2010 Range Rover 5.0 S/C, I had exactly the same problem, so when it was in the dealership for another issue they did a full re-charge and within a day or two it was saying 'low battery please start engine' again. Anyway contacted main dealer and they replaced the battery under warranty!!!! :D I was amazed as I thought they would have said it was a 'consumable' and therefore not covered.
I've got a 2010 Range Rover 5.0 S/C, I had exactly the same problem, so when it was in the dealership for another issue they did a full re-charge and within a day or two it was saying 'low battery please start engine' again. Anyway contacted main dealer and they replaced the battery under warranty!!!! :D I was amazed as I thought they would have said it was a 'consumable' and therefore not covered.

There is nothing on a car that is a consumable. Garage consumables are the throw away items used by the mechanic doing a job. Rags, hand cleaners, grease, oil in his oil can, coolant mix, screen washer fluid, parts washing fluid Etc. Consumables are usually charged at a standard rate or at least used to be.
I've got a 2010 Range Rover 5.0 S/C, I had exactly the same problem, so when it was in the dealership for another issue they did a full re-charge and within a day or two it was saying 'low battery please start engine' again. Anyway contacted main dealer and they replaced the battery under warranty!!!! :D I was amazed as I thought they would have said it was a 'consumable' and therefore not covered.

Two year warranty with all LR batteries. They aren't lead acid though, which is causing the problems. Eager to be on the cutting edge, but not sure how to make it work. British engineering.
Two year warranty with all LR batteries. They aren't lead acid though, which is causing the problems. Eager to be on the cutting edge, but not sure how to make it work. British engineering.

If they are not lead acid, what are they? Calcium battery's are the norm now.:)
If they are not lead acid, what are they? Calcium battery's are the norm now.:)

This is why I can't skim read. Went back and re-read. The chemical compound is supposedly different to a standard battery. Not sure how though, struggling to find a source for the claim, so it could just be BS spouted by a dealer.
This is why I can't skim read. Went back and re-read. The chemical compound is supposedly different to a standard battery. Not sure how though, struggling to find a source for the claim, so it could just be BS spouted by a dealer.
All low maintenance/no maintenance batteries fitted to cars these days are Lead Calcium which is why the charge voltage has to be higher than in the past 14.2 minimum to 14.8 volts compared to 13.8 or so for earlier batteries.
My Transit even has a warning about not fitting other types of battery as the charge voltage would be too high.:)
There is nothing on a car that is a consumable. Garage consumables are the throw away items used by the mechanic doing a job. Rags, hand cleaners, grease, oil in his oil can, coolant mix, screen washer fluid, parts washing fluid Etc. Consumables are usually charged at a standard rate or at least used to be.

Very much doubt if there's a workshop manager on the planet will agree with any of that today!
This seems to be a common problem, of the 6 people I know with the newer shape l322, 5 of them have had replacement batteries in the first year - myself included. I phoned Landrover when it wouldn't start on the drive and the service guy that came out didn't bother to check the battery or start the car with a power pack, he just swapped the battery for a new one - he said it was his most popular job.. He did say that if the car was in a garage not to bother locking it, as when you lock the car it performs loads of different tests as it shuts all the systems down, if you leave it unlocked it doesn't do this, so doesn't waste the battery.. Don't know what truth there is in this..

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