
New Member
after taking my disco offroading for the first time it has now developed a very loud sqealing noise when accelerating from a standstill and keeps going until the speed has built up to around 30 mph, i thought it was the fan belt as it was looser that a drunk scouser, but this made no difference:mad:, is it something so easy as the belts need some greasing or replacing or is it somethin lse completely
Have you checked for stones trapped next to pads etc or indeed is it yourself, somewhat excited by the blistering performance of your vee-hickle.

ive got the same problem but more of a rattle and its a stone behind the crank pully i cant get it out for love nor money
managed to remedy the problem with some WD40 on the belts, although this only lasts about a week before it wears off and if it rains the squeaking comes back! only when you pull away from a standstill and the wheels arent straight, is there a more permenant fix i can do or does it need new belts?
wd40 might make them slip? you're better off with Belt Slip, it's more sticky.Most motor factors sell it, or Spackfords
wd40 might make them slip? you're better off with Belt Slip, it's more sticky.Most motor factors sell it, or Spackfords

Ill get some tomorrow and see if it helps, do you think it will be longer lasting that wd40 then :doh:
yes will last longer-the wd will probably not do the belts themselves any harm but if you get too much on the idlers/tensioners you might end up losing friction between the belt & the surfaces it comes into contact with. Belt slip goes kind of like a tacky residue...
but if the problem comes back after a week or so with the Wd, it will eventually come back with whatever product you use-long term change the belts

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