
Well-Known Member
Lots of Jags and Landies stuck in a car transporter on the Bramble bank in the Solent. Looks like they were not strapped down so they will all be in a heap on one side of the vessel.:eek: Lots of German customers will be waiting for a while for their cars, JLR will be happy, lots more cars sold.:rolleyes:
Lots of Jags and Landies stuck in a car transporter on the Bramble bank in the Solent. Looks like they were not strapped down so they will all be in a heap on one side of the vessel.:eek: Lots of German customers will be waiting for a while for their cars, JLR will be happy, lots more cars sold.:rolleyes:

the euro did another drop in value. Is there a conspiracy here?
Bloody thing is in the way on my journey to work!

I think there are some (bent) Bentleys in there as well.


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this is another form Gems.

to prevent the vessel from becoming a navigation hazard; Which it appears the captain and pilot did

that is not scuttling,is it. the pilot and captain did what they did,to prevent it capsizing.


Scuttling is the act of deliberately sinking a ship by allowing water to flow into the hull. This can be achieved in several ways—valves or hatches can be opened to the sea, or holes may be ripped into the hull with brute force or with explosives. Scuttling may be performed to dispose of an abandoned, old, or captured vessel; to prevent the vessel from becoming a navigation hazard; as an act of self-destruction to prevent the ship from being captured by an enemy force; as a blockship to restrict navigation through a channel or within a harbor; or to provide an artificial reef for divers and marine life.
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this is another form Gems.

to prevent the vessel from becoming a navigation hazard; Which it appears the captain and pilot did

Well yes, they beached it to preserve the vessel and cargo rather than scuttled it for insurance

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