
New Member
Is anyone coming north or going down to Lostwithiel (Mid cormwall)or exeter. Need a starter motor picking up from odenne's ;)

Cheers Ian
ave a wurd wiv Buster.

oh and Losty is OhFacially East Cornwall, not Mid Cornwall.
Ah sure am;)
If Oddie can't meet me then he could give it tae Trewy and ah'll get it from him.

Si, is yer mobile number still the same as the last time ah was down your way?

Be comin' back up the road on the 26th, so we'll see what's what;) :D
I will try and pop over and have a pint with yer Buster if OK and let you have it then, if not will get it to trewey aforehand.
I will try and pop over and have a pint with yer Buster if OK and let you have it then, if not will get it to trewey aforehand.
Aye nae probs Oddie mate;) We should be in the Blue for Friday night.. 'Hopefully' Sat night.. and deffo most of Sunday:bounce: :bounce:
See ye there;)
Aye nae probs Oddie mate;) We should be in the Blue for Friday night.. 'Hopefully' Sat night.. and deffo most of Sunday:bounce: :bounce:
See ye there;)

Why "hopefully" Sat night?

Have yer rumbled me plan ter lose yer down a mine shaft deep in the Kernow ****reeside?
Why "hopefully" Sat night?

Have yer rumbled me plan ter lose yer down a mine shaft deep in the Kernow ****reeside?
BUGGER!!!! Ye wern't meant tae see that!!!:eek:

Nah, it were just incase ah was a bit knackered after bein' out all day and fell asleep then woke up when the pub was closed!:( ;) :D

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