
New Member
I have a Defender TD5 110 DCPU on a 53 plate. Last year i had the throttle potentiometer replaced as it was faulty (Engine managment light would come on and the throttle would do nothing)

However, whilst greenlaning 2 weeks ago the same thing happened again.

My initial thought was 'bugger the throttle has gone again' but then i thought that these things were meant to last the life of the vehicle. It has never been submurged and i really look after my landy. So maybe not.

Anyway, i limped home (thankfully not far away!) and the following day took it a a Landy specialist who diagnosed the fault as 'Driver input'? Meaning the throttle potentiometer! Not too impressed they said leave it with them and they'll source another one. However, it isn't doing it now and hasn't done it since?

My question is. Could water have got into something and caused the faulty/bad signal? maybe it has dried out now? If yes then any suggestions on where the water effected sensor maybe?

Many thanks in advance for any help as it is all really appreciated.


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