Probably cost me an arm and a leg to get it up to me

I know, it does sound cheap at the moment, probably cost me a fortune for delivery.
What's your plan and what are you budgeting for?
Planned outcome - A functioning, MOT-able vehicle that looks like a patchwork quilt, as above but with decent paintwork, as good a rebuild as you can manage - so good you'd like to consider it a restoration?
Planned budget to include - Galv chassis, galve bulkhead, galve cappings, many new panels, rebuild gearboxes, rebuild engine, rebuild diffs, full paint job. (or, just parts of this)
What's your plan and what are you budgeting for?
Planned outcome - A functioning, MOT-able vehicle that looks like a patchwork quilt, as above but with decent paintwork, as good a rebuild as you can manage - so good you'd like to consider it a restoration?
Planned budget to include - Galv chassis, galve bulkhead, galve cappings, many new panels, rebuild gearboxes, rebuild engine, rebuild diffs, full paint job. (or, just parts of this)
To be honest Mate, I'm looking for project to slowly rebuild in the next year or two buying parts along the way as and when I can afford them defender preferably a 90 .
Really a rolling chassis with I D would do me even if it is Rotten as I plan to galvanise. Just seen this and if its genuine looks to cheap to me.
£1000 is about right. Would make a nice project, but could [will] end up costing a small fortune. Hope it gets restored to original condition.
That would require a change of engine then as it looks to me like a tdi in there.

You know what I mean, hope it doesn’t lose it’s ‘character’. Too many early Nineties;OneTens and Defenders get the monotone paint treatment and look the same as all the others.
You absolutely are. Looking forward to the rebuild thread on here. :) Good luck with it, mate.
There's a series 3 if you fancy it?
Well done! If you’re not in a rush then you can get a decent OneTen out at the end of it all ( note : it’s not actually a “Defender”! ). Welcome to the OneTen club!
Thanks I'm In no rush at all trying to sort collection out. Emailed the bloke for Reg number and he says its a Discovery engine in it,
Starting to panic now as I'm no Expert Mechanic like most people on here.:eek:
Thanks I'm In no rush at all trying to sort collection out. Emailed the bloke for Reg number and he says its a Discovery engine in it,
Starting to panic now as I'm no Expert Mechanic like most people on here.:eek:
Wow you bought that....
Most defender engine swaps use a discovery 200tdi as opposed to a defender one due to the huge price difference, it's only the turbo and exhaust that are different.
Thanks I'm In no rush at all trying to sort collection out. Emailed the bloke for Reg number and he says its a Discovery engine in it,
Starting to panic now as I'm no Expert Mechanic like most people on here.:eek:
Well, you're now in a very good position to learn. Yeah, it's a Tdi engine. Looks like my 300Tdi, though not that familiar with the differences as I've never worked on a 200. Most Tdi's to be transplanted in to 110's and 90's came from Discovery's as the Defenders with them in were/are still running. You'll need to start to make a plan now ;) Keep it original or stick with the Tdi. If you are going to get a galv chassis, then you'll need to buy one to match your engine choice. Plenty help on here though, as you know.

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