
Active Member
I realiized that though i got my login back in dark ages that I should probably introduce myself... :)

I'm Al Richer - been a Series owner for coming up on 20 years or so over here in Massachusetts. Drove my IIA 109 as a dialy driver for many years till my back and its suspension had to come to a parting of the ways (though I still have it as a fun vehicle). Migrated into RRCs, then a D1 and finally my daiiily driver is a 2.5D 110 3-door.

Done lots and lots of work on Series and coiler trucks over the years, from total rebuilds (my 109 is on a new chassis and completely rebuilt) to welding, repairs, engine and gearbox rebuilds and the like.

Having a machine shop in the basement helps. :)

Present "fleet" is the 110, the IIA 109, a 1953 Series 1 ex-RAF crash rescue tender in long-term storage and the daughter's D1 (replacing her staunch but rusted out DI).

I've gone on a bit here - sorry about that. In any case, hello!


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