
Active Member
I realiized that though i got my login back in dark ages that I should probably introduce myself... :)

I'm Al Richer - been a Series owner for coming up on 20 years or so over here in Massachusetts. Drove my IIA 109 as a daily driver for many years till my back and its suspension had to come to a parting of the ways (though I still have it as a fun vehicle). Migrated into RRCs, then a D1 and finally my daily driver is a 2.5D 110 3-door.

Done lots and lots of work on Series and coiler trucks over the years, from total rebuilds (my 109 is on a new chassis and completely rebuilt) to welding, repairs, engine and gearbox rebuilds and the like.

Having a machine shop in the basement helps. :)

Present "fleet" is the 110, the IIA 109, a 1953 Series 1 ex-RAF crash rescue tender in long-term storage and the daughter's D1 (replacing her staunch but rusted out DI).

I've gone on a bit here - sorry about that. In any case, hello!

Welcome from the mountains of the colonies. Do stick around. The Yanks seem to show up here and then drift away.

Some of them anyways.
My apologies on the double post - it was entirely accidental...cause I'm stupid... :)

I do plan on hanging about - I've worked with a fair number of Rover types and hope to be able to give as good as I get. Have been looking for a place to hang about - not a real hard-core armor-plate offroader more than I'm a techie who has as much fun working on Rovers as I do driving them.

One of my parts suppliers described it best. he mentioned my name to a mutual acquaintance of ours and was asked, "You sell Al parts?"

His reply was "Yeah, the ones he doesn't make himself."

That kinda sums it up.


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