
New Member
Been a 'voyeur' on this forum for sometime but have decided now that i need some advice / help!

I have a 1970 Series 2 Land Rover (soft top) which has served me well as a regular run around during the summer months. I store it in a garage (lock up) during winter and went to start her up last week... re connected battery and started 3rd attempt; no problem. I drove 20m out of the garage; looked over my shoulder and saw a trail of 4ft flames from the garage to me... remained calm enough to quickly grab the fire extinguisher (thankfully the chap i bought it off had installed one); dry powder did the job and i managed to quickly extinguish the flames... the resulting damage and the reason for help... appears to be a melted fuel line; some electrical cables singed in the engine bay and a melted air hose. The smoke damage to the bodywork is minimal.

Assuming this will be an expensive fix? I have called Adrian Flux and await their help. BUT assuming this will require 'specialist' Land Rover - are there any enthusiast garages around London or Surrey that someone could recommend? some photos attached.


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Hi and welcome!

Sorry to hear about your Landy. From the picture, the damage looks largely smoke damage, which shouldn’t be too bad to sort out. One of our members is rebuilding a 110 which has suffered extensive damage, which will likely show what can be repaired. I can’t reckon end anyone locally, but someone who can will be along in a bit...

Let us know how you get on. Good luck with it. :)
Adrian flux will probably just write it off.

new fuel lines and redo the wiring that’s burnt and a new air hose and it will probably be fine.

any mobile mechanic will be able to replace the fuel lines if you can’t. Ditto a mobile automotive electrician

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