:confused: Well you live & learn, I didn't realise that that system was still being fitted as late as 2000
My '87 RRC has it (still working) but I thought the idea, instigated by the EU, was dropped soon after the mid 'eighties.
:confused: Well you live & learn, I didn't realise that that system was still being fitted as late as 2000
My '87 RRC has it (still working) but I thought the idea, instigated by the EU, was dropped soon after the mid 'eighties.
Yep sure has it. I am ditching it in favour of some new Angel Eye headlights with a pretty LED ring round the circumference. Those awful dim dip lights spoil the effect!
Thanks for bothering to reply
:confused: Well you live & learn, I didn't realise that that system was still being fitted as late as 2000
My '87 RRC has it (still working) but I thought the idea, instigated by the EU, was dropped soon after the mid 'eighties.

T'was our very own minister of Transport at the time (a woman whose name escapes me at the mo) who decided it was her flagship campaign to alleviate the poor old London cabbies being blinded by all those pointless bright headlights on all the time in the big City.... If only they knew what was in store with HID and general lamp improvements...... The exemptions were for cars with levelling devices for the headlamps (auto or manual) which a lot of brands followed, until the dimdip cobblers was eventually dropped. cheers, A

Lynda Chalker....
Deffo has it. Ignition off and sidelights on, just the independent sidelights come on. If then switch on ignition the dipped beam filaments come slowly to life as well. Think there is either a resistor or a step down transformer in there too somewhere, because as they are dim dip, they only get fed with about 6 volts. So back to question 1, where the hell have Land Rover hidden the sodding thing?? All advice gratefully received.
Deffo has it. Ignition off and sidelights on, just the independent sidelights come on. If then switch on ignition the dipped beam filaments come slowly to life as well. .

Hang on, I think you & I are at cross-purposes here. On my RRC the dim-dip is actuated by the oil pressure & does not illuminate the headlamps (on reduced power) until the engine is running, NOT when just the ignition is on.
Hang on, I think you & I are at cross-purposes here. On my RRC the dim-dip is actuated by the oil pressure & does not illuminate the headlamps (on reduced power) until the engine is running, NOT when just the ignition is on.

Found the relay at last, it was lying at the bottom of the lower fascia, just above the throttle pedal area. Not as shown in the video, up adjacent to the heater controls. In fact I could not stretch the wires far enough to get it anywhere near that area. I don't think that can have been where Land Rover originally intended it to be. After that it was easy and just as shown in the video. Made a wire bridge loop, plugged it in and bingo, just as ordered. Many thanks for your interest and help. Interesting that yours is worked via the oil pressure.

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