it certainly scores 9/10 on the hidious car scale. no doubt some bling sucker will buy it. i really hope he gets a scammer.
mmaddock said:
Maybe if he sold one of his "£1500" worth spare wheels then he could afford to get it repaired

Evidence, if we needed it, that some people have more money than sense.


theres on enough rubber on them wheels for me like to test drive it off road just to see his face
Man, that has to be worth taking for a tester around the local quarry just to see the pimp and his Ho's **** it.....
Amateurs, the lot of you.

if you go through his feedback, down a few to a seller where the item number is private, click on the sellers id, check the items for sale.
The guy with the rangey obviously likes 4.99 "bling" fake jewellery, cuz thats what the seller sells.
"well looked after" my arse, its a ****in abortion.
and if you go round his house yulel find his drawers full of soiled panties and pot noddles in his cupboard
it's got to be troll! Surely? Can't be true!

What a proper looser 12k???? Wouldn't give him £12. Though it's probably still more reliable than a Freelander ;-)
read the bit about "theres like, you know 68 people watching it, so get your bid in quick"

That'll be 68 people watching and laughing at the sucker who bids for it...
tootle_the_white_90 said:
read the bit about "theres like, you know 68 people watching it, so get your bid in quick"

That'll be 68 people watching and laughing at the sucker who bids for it...

lmao yup exactly. make that 69 now cos im watching which tool buys it!! :D
Me too!

What I really want to know is where I can get a SPORT sticker for my steering wheel??? I was going to get a leather and Walnut one until I saw this AMAZING interior enhancement!!!!
i e mail'd the troll and told him to have a look here .. anybody wanna see his reply?? sorry i meant a friend of my mate's second cousin e mail'd him

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