
I've been searching the forums for a working link to the RAVE download - but all that comes back are 10-12 years old posts with broken links.

I thought I'd find a pinned tweet in a technical forum, but I'm damned if I can find it!

Could someone kindly put me out of my misery?

Well bugger me,it worked for me as well,thank you very much.have it on the old laptop but soo slow.I'm a puter numpty and all that bropbox stuff is above my pay all you tech whizzes are laughing your cocks off.

Well that’s my good deed for the day then, Now I don’t feel bad about taking the day off and watching the petrol head stuff:D

hey I am no techey either :oops:so total understand :)

The -this page is intentionally blank- will send you to sleep.good lol.

Knowing your way around it is the key, expect to get lost in the labyrinth of the end electrical section if you make it that far

If I had a puter I would try printing it out to read properly
The -this page is intentionally blank- will send you to sleep.good lol.

Knowing your way around it is the key, expect to get lost in the labyrinth of the end electrical section if you make it that far

If I had a puter I would try printing it out to read properly

I am like you and would prefer it in paper form as with any manual, it’s so easy to flip back and forward. But can you image the Size of shelf:eek:
Oh yeah it would look like the shelves of manuals my dad used to have :)

One of my parts cars came with an original paper copy service manual. Almost worth buying the car to get the manual. It is about 2.5 inches thick, an expensive printing job. It is now heavily indexed with yellow post it notes.
One of my parts cars came with an original paper copy service manual. Almost worth buying the car to get the manual. It is about 2.5 inches thick, an expensive printing job. It is now heavily indexed with yellow post it notes.
What, no oily finger prints ?
Now that you mention it, No. It was quite pristine. The car had a failing transmission and the owner did not want to spend the money to fix it. I got it for $600. The manual is over $100 at least.

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