Lightweight Ste

New Member
Had my series 111 lightweight up on ramps for the past few days and noticed a couple of oil leaks.One is coming from the front axle/diff were the prop bolts on(small leak).The other seems to be from were transfer box and hand brake housing meet ( bigger Leak ).I assume oil seals have gone ??? is this a big job?? any tips what to do and not to do. Also is it the same oil in transfer box and diff ,what type and cheapest place to get it.
I haven't had to change the oil seals on mine, so can't help you there, but the oil for the Gearbox, Transfer box, front and rear diffs, swivels and steering box is EP90. Most car accessory places have it.
just to clarify tinny post yer can use GL5 in the diffs (unless yer got artic diffs fitted) but not the g/box or t/box and yer can use gL4 in the lot.
in the interests of easyness most folk just bung GL4 in the lot. course it may be hard to come by but a search( if its working) should show a few places wot got it
both jobs are'nt too bad, the gearbox one is a bit more of a pain as you've to remove the handbrake assembly, but spend a bit of time pushing in your new seals or you'll be doing them again next weekend. Keep it all clean, a smearing of lubricant and tap the seal in nice and square and you'll be ok. and if not carry a piece of old carpet that you can shove under for when you park on your mates block paveing..

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