
New Member
I am new to Land Rovers and have just bought a S3 Lightweight. The problem I have is. It got hard to select 1st gear drove like this for a week and now the cluch is softer to the touch and bites when bearly lifted. It seems to be getting worse.

I suspect the cluch master or slave cylinder?? How do I know?

And is the slave/master cylinder the same as a regular s3 or is the lightweight some 'special' never to be found rare item costing ££££.

It's a 12v converted from 24v,

I don't want show quality just a drivable car


I am in the same boat as you fella. I have been doing up my 1975 S3 for 2 Months. just got it M.O.Ted I was buying and talking to The Buckley Bro's at Blackburn in Lancashire they are cheep and very helpfull. Here is there website and I think you will find them Very helpfull.


They also do Mail order. I would think that the master Cylinder would be the same as most and not a special part. Have you tried to bleed the cylinder ?
Also if you unscrew the passanger floor and lift it out the master cylinder is there if it is like mine.

master cyl £10.75 non gen
slave cylinder £7.55 non gen

Britpart I rate them as i find they all fit well and no problems.
Hope I have been a little help to you.

I would renew fluid and then bleed well. If no improvement change clutch plates.
My Lightweight was a total pain to find gears and really does need a box overhaul but it is suprisingly robust and with time you learn to beat most defects.

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