
New Member
Hello all after some advise please, I have some 2inch spacers for the front and some +2 springs and +2 shocks for the rear, plus, 2inch spring spacer. In effect, it would be a 2 inch lift at front and a 4 inch lift at the back. The question is what other parts are a defiant must when lifting? Wide angle prop? Break lines? Breathers? Please help :)
Not sure I understand the post correctly, do you have spring spacers for the front? Also, why would you put longer springs and shocks at the rear and leave standard length at the front, also dont understand why you would want different heights front to rear - are you going for the dragster look? Far better to start from scratch with what you are hoping to acheive with your lift?
I carry a lot of weight and the back of the car sags, so want the front to go up buy 2 and the car to sit level (ish) when loaded. So I bought front and back spacers and +2 medium load springs and shocks to achieve the ride hight and level I want was this wrong?
Wi will be replacing front springs and shocks for medium load standard hight at some point as well. My question really is can I lift by 4 inches at the rear and not change any thing else?
if your carrying heavy loads go for some bearmach heavy duty blue springs.

I've carried large amounts of chopped up timber in the back of mine as well as had a sankey on the back fully loaded and they don't half take the strain well!

Also towed the best part of 2.5 - 3 tonne with bearmach HD +2" springs and it felt fine!
If you put the correct rated springs on your disco for the type of load you are going to carry then you shouldn´t suffer from any suspension drop. I have medium duty Terrafirma units at the back and light duty at the front and can completely load the rear end without any drop at all. That said, and in answer to your question, if you go for a 4 inch lift at the back then you will almost certainly need further modifications. As a rule of thumb a 2 inch lift is about the most that you can do without any other modifications and even then it is a debatable point that seems to vary slightly from car to car. If it is purely load carrying without suffering from suspension sag that you are trying to achieve then I would keep the height standard and just fit uprated springs and shocks - you will probably find that just by doing this you will achieve some degree of lift due to the firmness of the springs even though technically they are the same length.
Hello all after some advise please, I have some 2inch spacers for the front and some +2 springs and +2 shocks for the rear, plus, 2inch spring spacer. In effect, it would be a 2 inch lift at front and a 4 inch lift at the back. The question is what other parts are a definite must when lifting? Wide angle prop? Break lines? Breathers? Please help :)

What is the end objective of this modification? To be able to compensate for extra weight carried or to raise the body for some other reason?

If it's just to carry extra weight you don't need any of the stuff you've listed, you just need a new set of HD or "Police spec" rear springs.
What is the end objective of this modification? To be able to compensate for extra weight carried or to raise the body for some other reason?

If it's just to carry extra weight you don't need any of the stuff you've listed, you just need a new set of HD or "Police spec" rear springs.

Want it up buy 2 inches and to carry extra weight? It's going in to garage, in the morning should I leave rear spacer and just have the +2 hd springs and shocks see what it like?
Cheers guys, decided on spacers at font and springs and shocks at rear with out spacers, this dose mean I have the rear spring spacers going spare any offers?

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