
Do'er of stuff and the like
Im severely down on power with my 200tdi, used to chuck out black smoke etc under load. Now its pretty clean even labouring up a long hill.

Im suspecting lift pump failure. I have pumped the lever and there doesnt feel like there is any resistance at all, however if i remove the air bleed screw it still spurts out of there.

I should point out the engine still runs great, starts instantly etc and idles no problem. Im guessing the injection pump is still sucking it through but it cant keep up when the turbo kicks in?

How much resistance should there be on the little lever?
Depends if it's on cam or not. If you can loosen the bleed screw and manually pump it through then the lift pump is fine.
Have you checked the turbo waste gate to see if it's moving freely enough? Is it down on power on hills or on flats too? Would be worth sticking a new fuel filter on as well just to see
Depends if it's on cam or not. If you can loosen the bleed screw and manually pump it through then the lift pump is fine.
Have you checked the turbo waste gate to see if it's moving freely enough? Is it down on power on hills or on flats too? Would be worth sticking a new fuel filter on as well just to see

wastegate seems to move freely enough

its down on power everywhere, struggle to get more than about 60 on the motorway

its had a new fuel filter - made no odds, also changed the air filter, checked all the hoses etc and still nadda
Is that going through all the gears or only when you get up to motorway speeds or when revs are high i.e trying to boot it up a hill. Does it speed up ok on a flat when moving from 1st?
its gutless everywhere

my old 200tdi would have left it for dust.

It was pretty good when i first got it but "suddenly" one day lost all its umph
its gutless everywhere

my old 200tdi would have left it for dust.

It was pretty good when i first got it but "suddenly" one day lost all its umph
If it starts fine, idles fine and runs ok at lower revs it doesn't sound like there's any problem with the FIP or the lift pump. Does it have a sedimentor fitted? Check the pick up pipe in the tank for a blockage as it does sound like one. Have you checked for anything that could restrict air flow? Air filter needing cleaned or replaced for instance
If it starts fine, idles fine and runs ok at lower revs it doesn't sound like there's any problem with the FIP or the lift pump. Does it have a sedimentor fitted? Check the pick up pipe in the tank for a blockage as it does sound like one. Have you checked for anything that could restrict air flow? Air filter needing cleaned or replaced for instance

air filter is a brand spanker

Ill have a look to see if the sedimentor is there / blocked.
well a new lift pump arrived today and i checked the restistance of the hand lever - 50N to move where as the one fitted to the engine at present is just 4N so I think its pretty shot!
well a new lift pump arrived today and i checked the restistance of the hand lever - 50N to move where as the one fitted to the engine at present is just 4N so I think its pretty shot!

its the inner lever if any you should check, try putting a clear plastic pipe in line between filter and front banjo on injector pump , it will show if theres air in system at all revs , checking timing wont hurt either , even with pin in pump pulley can often mean engines retarded

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