
Hi Guys

I have a 300TDI auto with EDC

Back to square one again. I went out laning yesterday Dizzy was running very well for over a week :)

Filled her up with "Tesco Fuel" as i had 20p off a litre ( don't think it's fuel though)

15 mins into my trip when the engine was running between 1500-2200 ish rpm at 50 mph it was very coughy and spluttery again until i locked it into 3rd gear then it pulled like a train , get the revs up to about 3000 rpm in Drive and all is well, when it goes down to the 1500-2200 rev range same again, not sure if it's trying to change up and fluctuating between the 2 gears or not?

Couldn't check oil level in gearbox as it was warm so decided to carry on ( i have the big yellow taxi card so wasn't going to ruin my day )
While laning everything ok as i'm just trundling about, checked oil level after lunch when it had cooled down and it wasn't on the dipstick so think to myself it's gearbox oil bingo :)
On the way home got ripped off at the services but put some in , no difference, but maybe wasn't enough.
checked the level this morning and it's between the marks on the dipstick.
Is it worth dumping the old oil ( not sure how long it has been in there) i don't think that would hurt
or could it be my lift pump again?

don't think it's the fuel pump as it runs so sweet ( also out of gear it doesn't struggle at all it will hold revs nice, but it isn't laboured? )

or could my gearbox be knackered ?
sorry for the long post

in the back of my head i'm thinking it's pulling air in but not sure , if it was a old petrol engine i'd say it was the points breaking down

Quick update, put a drop more oil in as it was at the bottom ish of the marks and went for a blast up the road, getting out of town was fine, the 1st 10 mins on the A41 bypass wa sok, then it started again, but not half as bad as yesterday. so it seems to do it when the engine / gearbox is hot , thinking the gear oil may be knackered and is breaking down and doesn't have the viscosity that it should have.

will change it this week and see :)

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