jim cummings

New Member
Hi Guys does anyone know if the chasis is the same on a LHD to a RHD, I can see the bulk head is the same on the body, is it possible to just reverse the interior and swap the steering gear. Thanks Jim
I have been thinking about this too,I have a UK plated Disco 1 over here in Poland and have been told that to get it Polish plated I need to convert, the prices i have been quoted arent too bad and it looks like the only real bit that cant just be swapped over is the steering box/rack and associated pipe work as it looks like when its moved from the right to the left it wont bolt onto the chassis member, everything else seems to be fairly universal, the bulkhead has all the right bits and holes on both sides and hopefully it will just be as job of using the blanks from one side to cover the holes left on the other side.

So in answer to your question my guess and it is only a guess is that the chassis is the same, but am very interested in any further input on the question by anyone else who has some actual knowledge rather than my pretty poor guesswork.
Im pretty sure chassis is same too.

Check the other things like pedal box space, handbrake position, can you reverse the wiring loom, etc etc?

you would HAVE to strip the interior out and the engine bay and have a good look - and risk having to put it all back in again.

unless you can find someone who has done it, the only way is to try.

i suspect the wiring loom may be your biggest hold up.

obviously you would need to re-do all the brake pipes, may need different servo etc etc.

remember the headlights too!
but what im saying is have you considered the epic amount of labour that could be be/probably is involved?
Been quoted 3000 zloty by a local guy that does em on a regular basis, they say that 70% of the landies over here came in from the uk or elsewhere in europe, you wouldnt believe just how expensive they are over here.

steering and the pedals were all i was thinking of doing, seat wise it can stay the same, handbrake can stay where it is and then it is just a case of swapping the dash over and away you go, oh and 3000 zloty is about £640 ish in good old British Pounds.
200 disco's are easy as the dash centre is the same for left and right, the binnacle and column supports are the same only requiring the wiring to be lengthened, the handbrake can also be moved over as duplicate holes are there, pedal mountings are the same as are the pedals, wiper motor and assembley are differant, 300's are totally differant interior and dash for left and right and require all from left hand to convert along with column mounting bracket, pedal mounting bracket. The chassis on all have mountings for steering box on both sides, needs right hand hub assembley for steering arm, shorter power steering pipes, windscreen washer bottle is same, but still needs windscreen wiper motor assembley changing - i know have done both now.
300's are totally differant interior and dash for left and right and require all from left hand to convert along with column mounting bracket, pedal mounting bracket.

Eh? i must be lucky in having an early 300 then as the dash looks like it would be an easy switch from one side to the other, just replace airbag and glove box with steering column and instrument cluster, or so i think, hmmm we will see the 3000 zloty is sounding like a better deal all the time, let somebody else have the headache and do the work.:)

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