Dave Birrell

New Member
Hi folks

I work for a conservation charity and run teams of volunteers around Essex. Up until this year we have always had to use our own cars which meant me using my own Discovery 3 for towing a trailer and carrying tools and people around sites which was not ideal. We had a breakthrough this year when we got a grant from the Postcode Lottery people and bought a lovely Defender 110 300tdi which was perfect for the job and all was merry.....


We then realised we had been a bit silly and overlooked the LEZ and that our Landy was subject to the £100 daily charge if caught in the zone, which we are just on the very edge of in Upminster, Essex.:confused:

Since we got our first letter from TfL we have tried all the possible routes out of this problem to no avail. We have gone through the process of appeal and submitting photos, etc. but this has failed. It is a 4x4/ Utility on the log book and apparently the seats and windows are not correct to class it as a Station Wagon/ Estate which would make it exempt from the charge. The filter is not a option due to the extremely low mileage we do and the dealers want offer half the price we paid for it. Switching to LPG seems to be a non-starter (excuse the pun).

We seem to have got the point where the only sensible option is to try and sell it privately and get something else, unless anyone has a miracle cure?

Thames Chase
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Although you have my sympathy you need 50 posts to flog yet tat so I'm gonna have to grass ya.
I don't like doing it :rolleyes: but rools is rools.
Phone number 'leted and a few other bits.

I'm choosing to assume you'd like us to concentrate on the miracle cure bit in which case the 90/110 & Defender section might be helpful....more helpful than DVLA anyway.

If you want to flog it Fleabay and Bumtree work.

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