
Active Member
Evening all,

I recieved a letter from the police yesterday thanking me for my help during the recent bad weather. We pulled numerous vehicles up a steep snow covered hill to join back onto a main road, then did some traffic control! The police closed the main route in and out so diverted the cars about 4 miles down a back road!

When I drove past I noticed a lady stuck in the hedge half way up the hill an a bloke in a defender doin nothing! He said he dosent offer to help anymore now the cars are made out of plastic. So I offered to pull her out which she was over the moon about as she'd been in her car 4 hours and only got about 9 miles!

Once we had cleared the hill of stuck vehicles we then stood at the top stopping cars on the main road so the cars coming up the hill could pull straight out without stopping. The ones that did stop slid back down the hill! One car that came up was an unmarked police car, he stopped, took our names and adresses then said keep up the good work and drove off! I must admit tho I found it really rewarding an thought I'm so happy I didn't sell my landy in the summer!
Nice to be recognised even though I'm sure you only did it because you are a nice person, well done.:)
Fair play fella... seems like quite a few people on here have similar stories. Some of the Herts lot got involved this year and last Feb as well... and a few letters of appreciation received...

its always good to improve people's perceptions but trust me... those same people you helped will be the ones shouting about "evil 4 by 4s" in the summer....

But still... maybe some of them will change their views... and there is a little satisfaction to be had when towing a 2wd out of the mire!
Cheers fellas, didn't do it for recognition or because I'm a nice person, I did it because it was fun!!! But it was satisfying knowing you'd helped someone in need. And that nothing can stop our landys!!
Well done mate and I did by bit too.( allthough not on such a grand scale) I towed a lady in her Ford Pickup out of a ditch. 4 x 4's rule whatever people say!!!

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