
New Member
Hello everyone

After last nights miserable attempt at this forum, I shall start again .

My name is rich , I am a trustee of a charity that teaches teenagers sea based skills ( )
We have used and continue to use land rovers for launching our boats and for various other tasks over the years . we currently have a 90 series and a 130 which is due to start a complete refurb soon, so Im
sure I shall be asking lots of stupid questions on here and hoping to get a lot of helpful advice .

Here's a picture of the 90 in action .


Hello everyone

After last nights miserable attempt at this forum, I shall start again .

My name is rich , I am a trustee of a charity that teaches teenagers sea based skills ( )
We have used and continue to use land rovers for launching our boats and for various other tasks over the years . we currently have a 90 series and a 130 which is due to start a complete refurb soon, so Im sure I shall be asking lots of stupid questions on here and hoping to get a lot of helpful advice .

Here's a picture of the 90 in action .



Dare i ask what happened last night? :lol:

Anyway, 1st post in the introduce yourself section so thats a good start.

This place is different shall we say, some like it some don't. It is however full of some of the best information on the net and has a brilliant community. Get yourself into Anything goes but make sure you have your rhino skin on! :eek:

Anyway :welcome2:

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