
Well-Known Member
Hi all I am in need of some advice please, on TD4 Auto I can not open my rave disc as i have not got the program needed, so here I go on my help me question I have a leak on what I suspect it a hose possibly something else I must add I am in Ireland at the moment on holiday the leak is behind where the hose from the oil cooler (top) goes to but it is all under the other pipes and just can not see it . I know it comes over the gear box I must add I have replace the hose to the y section anyone Ideas please before I pull my hair out of my wet head with all this rain over here in BallyShannon.
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yes it did. sorry , just wet and cold and my bones are aching, but I think I may have just found the problem. It could be the hose I replaced as it is sitting on top of a sharp object .
the nice weather men have given out a better day tomorrow, so i will take the battery holder off and have a good look. When I had a good look just I could only see 2 metal pipes and the one I replace , will let you all know tomorrow , and at least you can understand what I am saying unlike some posts.
anyway, going to bed to get warm
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Hi Teddy,

Thank your lucky stars you didn't go to Wales for your holiday!

Good luck tomorrow.

hi again all thanks for the coments nope not in wales, Allthough I did come through north wales to get to the ferry, and my mum was welsh but dad is Irish so bit of a mix but not bothered. Anyway back to the leak had the battery and battery holder of and can see a little puddle ontop of the auto box, but can not see any drips I have a suspect that it might be radiator top hose the end over the gearbox the clip was a bit undone. There is a motor spares near where I am in Bally shannon and he sells those wonderfull t bolt clips that I have on my new turbo hoses, so I have got a couple but at the moment I am running around with no header tank cap on the water is normal tempature but no pressure so no leek just hope it does not course a problem as i intend to do the work at home so will run all the way home afteranother week here, thanks oldirishwulf for the heads up on the parts places very good of you that what owing a landrover is all about.
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well yesterday I brought this gazebo for shelter to do my car half an hour later the clouds disapeard. now the sun is up again this morning , the gazebo is still in its box and is staying there. talk about luck or what
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sorry ageloc miss spelling at the time because I was so cold and wet and getting to old for all of this. Any I am very please to say problem has now been fixed and NO I have not burned it! it was the top hose leaking right at the very end it was down the those thin jubilee clips there is a car soares shop in Ballyshannon and he sells the t clips which are nice and wide, got one put it on and bingo no leaks but I did also add a bottle of radseal I now what you are going to say it clogs up the rad but better safe than sorry in the middle of Ireland . We have missed out on seeing some of our friend through it all but we will soon be back thanks all
sorry ageloc miss spelling at the time because I was so cold and wet and getting to old for all of this. Any I am very please to say problem has now been fixed and NO I have not burned it! it was the top hose leaking right at the very end it was down the those thin jubilee clips there is a car soares shop in Ballyshannon and he sells the t clips which are nice and wide, got one put it on and bingo no leaks but I did also add a bottle of radseal I now what you are going to say it clogs up the rad but better safe than sorry in the middle of Ireland . We have missed out on seeing some of our friend through it all but we will soon be back thanks all

Hi - hope you didn't take offence at my little jib - I thought it was funny. Hope all works out ok.
Well the Bloody LEEEEEEEEEEAK is back BUT I think I know what it is the Tbolt clamp i put on is I think about 1mm to big so I have taken the header tank cap back of hopeing it does not do any damage as I have about anothger 600-700 miles to do and when i get back home the son in-law is going to help me chage ALL the hoses as I noticed that some have ware marks on them so to save any future problem and after about 173,000 miles I think it is about time before we came to Ireland I had replaced turbo hoses and air intake one and two other water hoses not not a lot really just hope nothing else crops up before we get home next week but have missed seening some friends that will have to wait until next time ,I feel as though i have had my right arm taken of because I know I can fix the problem but do not have any gear here to do it never mind it gives us a excuse to come back
Try finding a friendly garage that will let you work on your own car or even a member on this in Ireland that can help
no such luck i even offered to pay for a couple of hours for there ramp never mind seems to be holding the water now without the cap on so I might have fixed it but we are going home tuesday

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