
Pensioner Pete
Full Member
Took the intercooler and rad off the 200tdi Disco today. Laid the intercooler on its back and filled it with diesel to soak any gunge out of it whilst I flushed the radiator out.
Not much in the rad, a bit of rusty water which was strange as it had a good mix of anti freeze in it. Any way, rad well flushed out and engine block and heater flushed as well.
Back to the intercooler to swish the diesel round and drain it out. Trouble is that I put nearly a gallon in it but only got about 2 litres out and the ground was wet with diesel where I had left it. There is a diesel stain at one corner so I presume that the intercooler has a leak. Thing is, will the leak affect performance and shall I repair or leave it.? Not much of a hole so little unfiltered air getting in I should think, any thoughts.:)
air will be leaking out not in most of the time when boosting so your loosing power!

Ooppps, thought it was a suck through, I must have a propper look first next time and tomorrow the soldering iron will be coming out.
Are the fins ally by the way, I may be able to weld it.:)
Air pressure test it under water then you will find any other leaks if it has any. I use a stuff for repairs on ally rads etc but at £94 a tube it aint cheap
Cost more than the solderin to get it from the depths of down there me thinks, thanks for the offer though.:)

I can get it oop norf to say midlands or yorkshire, Easter weekend. As I'm heading up the M1 to The North East then.
Air pressure test it under water then you will find any other leaks if it has any. I use a stuff for repairs on ally rads etc but at £94 a tube it aint cheap
Whilst de tamper proofing my Pugeot diesel pump about five years ago, I accidently shoved a big screwdriver through the radiator. The blade went between two fins and punctured them both. I repaired the holes with 'Milliput' which is a two stick epoxy plastercine like product for modeling. The repair was still going strong last year when I sold the car, it never leaked or dropped out. I also repaired a BMW head with it when I drilled a snapped exhaust manifold stud out too big. I filled the hole and stuck the stud in the head. Two years later it was still going and stuck firm even with the exhaust manifold bolted to it.
Great stuff and less than a fiver.:D
I can get it oop norf to say midlands or yorkshire, Easter weekend. As I'm heading up the M1 to The North East then.
Thanks Redhand but I need to get it done as the brakes are goin crap on the 110, fluid on the front offside disc and it's not stioppin.:eek:
I use this stuff have used it to seal a blowing eggsauce. as well as a cracked rocker cover.{9372015}%2fcategories%3C{9372046}%2fcategories%3C{9372180}%2ffeaturesBrand%3dEvo+Stik&fh_refview=lister&ts=1267479577931&isSearch=false&fl=1
Whilst de tamper proofing my Pugeot diesel pump about five years ago, I accidently shoved a big screwdriver through the radiator. The blade went between two fins and punctured them both. I repaired the holes with 'Milliput' which is a two stick epoxy plastercine like product for modeling. The repair was still going strong last year when I sold the car, it never leaked or dropped out. I also repaired a BMW head with it when I drilled a snapped exhaust manifold stud out too big. I filled the hole and stuck the stud in the head. Two years later it was still going and stuck firm even with the exhaust manifold bolted to it.
Great stuff and less than a fiver.:D

The stuff i use flows like solder until its cured & 1 tear drop size piece is enough on most repairs so at £94 for a sealant size tube it pays for itself.
The stuff i use flows like solder until its cured & 1 tear drop size piece is enough on most repairs so at £94 for a sealant size tube it pays for itself.

Sounds like good stuff but for me it would have to have a 10 year shelf life:D

Any way, some people can be really STUPID, specially when they gets older and the old memory fades a bit. Now where was I, oh yeh hinterchargers, well I bought a 300tdi a while back to put in the 110 and it came with radiator and hintercooler so I have a spare:doh:
I'll put it on soon as I've tested it and done the cambelt..:)
some people give um away on ere ;)

I knew you'd say that, that's why I read through this thread :D It got rinsed through again over the weekend and it's in very good shape I must say :) I'm still very grateful!


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