
Well-Known Member
Over that last couple of years I’ve observed a noticeable drop in the performance of my 300TDi. I drive around 50/5mph on duel carriage way as it’s comfortable. If I really want to push it, it can do 70mph or just north of that, but it’s a 1994 Landy and 50mph is a good speed in my opinion. However any type of hill and it struggles, even the slightest the most I can get out of my old girl is 40mph on a hill if I drop down the gears. Other than this, the engine is strong, it starts first time every-time with no smoke or noticeable drop in performance - it sounds nice with no obvious nocking. There is no loss of oil or coolant and the HG is seems all good (sniffer test showed nothing). I’ve checked the turbo and there is no excess play or obvious sign of oil. There is however a really strong smell of diesel in the cabin, really noticeable. Whilst I’ve found a small hole in the exhaust just below the manifold, I don’t think this is that cause of the smell.

my thoughts.... first of I’m going to adjust the valve clarences, hopefully that will slightly improve things. But whats folks thoughts on the injectors being the problem, especially if they are leaking. I was thinking of replacing the injector seals and pipes and if that makes no difference, sending the injectors off to be cleaned. Finally, my 1994 300TDi 90 is on around 130.000 miles. I changed the the Cambelt around 20.000 miles ago - Could it be this, probably not but I have that instinctive feeling that it might just well be that.

Any thoughts or advice on potential cause?
I am no expert but having been wrestling with my 90 fuel pump for a week or two have learned a lot

Is it using more diesel than normal ?

When u changed the cambelt did u use all the correct locking tools ?

There is a bit of play in pin re the fuel pump which isn't evident until u pop a dti gauge in the back. and a smidge one way or the other seems to have a huge impact on my 200tdi

But leak off pipes on injectors could also cause some funny effects with air in.

I would check all the diesel fittings for air/diesel leak

Start with leak off pipes etc, as these are cheap change any that are suspect.

Good luck
Something is well out of sorts there.
When did it last have a fuel filter?
Are there any leaks on the turbo hoses?
Has someone swapped it for a 2.5N/A without telling you?
Mine is a 300tdi 110, it will pull a loaded horse trailer at 70mph all day unless it hits a really steep hill.
Sounds like it is either not making pressure (turbo) or if it stinks of fuel, perhaps losing boost pressure via a leak in the turbo hoses.
Tbh valves with massive gaps, dribbling injectors and so on, the thing should still pull well.
There can be lots of issues, luckily most of them are free/cheap to fix, fuel filter and lift pump to start with as you need a clean base line to work from.
Check air filter but that has to be totally shagged to make any real difference.
Binding brakes/handbrake?
Does it pull well in the lower gears but lose power as you climb the gears?
I put a new lift pump on a around 1500 miles ago. Recent changed discs and pads. Filters around 700 miles. I can’t identify any notable holes in the hose. What’s the best way to check for this? There’s plenty torque in her, just top speed and hills. Since changing the radiator, the temperature sits just below the halfway, even under heavy load. She always starts on the first turn without delay, no smoke or oil. The engine seems to tick over nicely and in time. I have no oil or fuel loss. I was secretly hoping injectors and valve might sort it.
Do not assume as the lift pump was okay when new it is still okay now, they are notoriously rubbish, what make was it?
Do not assume as the lift pump was okay when new it is still okay now, they are notoriously rubbish, what make was it?

I agree, but on testing there’s plenty pressure there. If I remove the bleed screw it squirts fuel out with ease. I put on a Bearmach 300tdi mechanical fuel lift pump (Part No: ERR5057R) - For the price, I may look at purchasing a new one just to rule it out.
For the smel of fuel = Have you looked at the top of the fuel tank - under the drivers seat ?
Losing power could be that the Turbo hose, where it is a short 90 degree bend as it leaves the turbo, has delaminated. It's difficult to see as it peels apart on the inside. Mine exhibited similar loss of power and this was the cause.
ESR2192/PNH102082 is the part number or
I agree, but on testing there’s plenty pressure there. If I remove the bleed screw it squirts fuel out with ease. I put on a Bearmach 300tdi mechanical fuel lift pump (Part No: ERR5057R) - For the price, I may look at purchasing a new one just to rule it out.

It could work with the hand lever but the cam driven lever could be duff, cant hurt to remove it and physically check it?
Doing some routing around on here, I found this thread from 2012, similar issues. Shame the poster never fed back what the actual problem was. I’m noticing that. We all tend ask for advice on here then often fail to report what the fix was to help other, I know I have sometimes been guilty of that too, though I do try to feed back to help others.

Anyhows...... What’s a smoke screw they’re referring to?
Doing some routing around on here, I found this thread from 2012, similar issues. Shame the poster never fed back what the actual problem was. I’m noticing that. We all tend ask for advice on here then often fail to report what the fix was to help other, I know I have sometimes been guilty of that too, though I do try to feed back to help others.

Anyhows...... What’s a smoke screw they’re referring to?

There are loads of different screws on the VE pump, and they all achieve different things at different ratios in relation to all the other screws.
The fact it is a new fault means you have to rectify that fault before playing with other stuff, that is the route to madness.
Think logical, something has changed and all you have to do is work out what/why.

The problem with people asking questions but not replying to the help they get has been there since the dawn of time, they are to busy/important/realised they have been a tit etc etc

Then you get the people who know the answer, and just cannot be bothered to reply as they have seen it asked many many times (sometimes more than once on the same day) and think well if the lazy **** cannot be bothered to even try a search I cannot be bothered to reply.
These tend to be long time servers/contributors who have kind of given up with feeding the idiots, thats not to say they themselves are not dickheads, but they are the dickheads with the answers!
Did you get some new hoses and did it improve things ?
There are loads of different screws on the VE pump, and they all achieve different things at different ratios in relation to all the other screws.
The fact it is a new fault means you have to rectify that fault before playing with other stuff, that is the route to madness.
Think logical, something has changed and all you have to do is work out what/why.

The problem with people asking questions but not replying to the help they get has been there since the dawn of time, they are to busy/important/realised they have been a tit etc etc

Then you get the people who know the answer, and just cannot be bothered to reply as they have seen it asked many many times (sometimes more than once on the same day) and think well if the lazy **** cannot be bothered to even try a search I cannot be bothered to reply.
These tend to be long time servers/contributors who have kind of given up with feeding the idiots, thats not to say they themselves are not dickheads, but they are the dickheads with the answers!

lynall what can I say..? I think if people take the time to ask a question, then they should be prepared to end the thread with an explanation of a the outcome. Don’t get me wrong, I think we’ve all been guilty of that at sometime or another, but on the whole, long term members are the ones who appreciate the benefit of documenting outcomes.

I’ve not fitted nothing yet, but I have ordered some black silicone ones of ebay.

FAO Mod. Would it be possible to merge this thread with my other one ‘300TDI Turbo/Intercooler Hose’ - There seems to be an awful lot of crossover and confusing to other members. Sorry wasn’t my intention.

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