306 sam

New Member
so i got the landy started today and whilst trying to bleed the coolent system i noticed a leak on the fuel pump, hopefully you can see it in the vid. it's not coming out of any pipes that i can see it looks like it's coming out of what i think is the throttle butterfly

Help please
that is where the banjo for the fuel inlet is have you checked that one? maybe it is coming from the shaft with the throttle lever on it. this goes down into the pump through a seal.
i think it's coming through that shaft imo :( just going to have to get a new pump then try and fix the old one up and sell it on, the tools needed for this job so i don't have to take the timing belt off look expensive tho
there is a way of doing it by making some sort of tool. not done it myself but a mate has a few times with good results. belt off is not a major job. easier on a 300 than a 200 no water pump to worry about.
depends how tight a fit the pulley is on the crank. theyre supposed to be an interference fit but every one i have taken off has come off with not too much effort. but i expect some will be tighter requiring a puller. fairly easy to make just a piece of thick flat bar with a big bolt in the middle and two small bolts either side.
looking at replacing the the fuel pump then, been looking on ebay and i see several different types
non EDC
non EGR

any ideas? i've got a 1995 300tdi did have egr but it's been disconnected and blanked off. non aircon

looks like you need a bog standard non egr non edc one then! a 200 one will do the job. i have a 300 one on my old 200, works a treat no difference!

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