
New Member
Hi everybody

I have a 2010 defender and find 1st gear slightly low at times and tend to pull away in 2nd a lot, this is something I've always done and never had a problem with any other 4x4 I've ever owned, i always thought the only thing under additional stress would have been the clutch, but my nephew thinks it causes stress in other places and blames it for the recent oil leak and replacement oil seal in the rear axle.
Can anybody advise me on this please?
Using 2nd gear a lot will have little if any reason to cause the differential to leak oil. It's irrelevant, it's not causing any pressure. The differential is leaking cos the oil seal has worn out. That's the one behind the prop shaft UJ. All the road crud gets thrown into it. It's a common problem. The oil seal and metal cover are not expensive to replace. If you have a torque wrench you can do it yourself. It's unlikely the large gasket sealing the differential has gone. If it's leaking from there you have to disconnect the prop shaft and unscrew the differential to change. The gaskets are also cheap. Somewhere like Craddock or Paddock sell them. Moving off in second gear only stresses the clutch and thrust bearing, but unless you're doing it on hills etc. not really a big deal.
Thanks JohnS

That's put my mind at rest about the pulling away in 2nd and I'm sure we can cope with the changing of the seal, we have a reasonable workshop to work in.

Thanks again
Second Riojapoke on his post,a large screwdriver under the old seal lip will remove it.

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