jim cummings

New Member
Hi Guys I just wonder what your opinions are. I have just changed the radiater on my disco, she runs much cooler so all good. However I notice that allthough the banjo's for the oil cooler are tight they are weeping at the radiater side. Is this normal/common. Should I try and tighten them further. They are allready pretty tight, or perhaps put silicone on them before tightening them? Any suggestions welcome, its not the end of the world as the old girl has a few leaks here and there but anoying on a brand new part, is it worth trying to get a better seal with the orriginal banjo's. Thanks for your help cheers Jim
probably bad machining on the radiator. thats what happens with remanufactured parts these days.

i dont think they are banjo connections though are they? normally they are some form of compression fitting. sorry im not very well read on hydraulic fitting termoinology, but im fair sure they aint banjos cos they have a bolt through them.

anyway, try a little ptfe tape wrapped around the sealing face, refit and try again...

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