
New Member
To all ye knowledgeable folk -
Mounted to the bulkhead in front of drivers side is a CAV tank for the cold start on the perkins 4203......mine's leaking like mad when the engine is running and is actually impacting on the diesel I use.
There are 3 outlets on this and a breather mesh on top. Top outlet goes direct to cold start, the one beneath to the beginning of the injector train and the bottom one I believe is a return to the tank for excess fuel (spill line ?).
I have put a compression line on the "return" line and there are no blockages in it, yet diesel continues to come out of the breather head and drip down into engine bay whilst in idle and I assume increases under revs.
As far as I can see, there are no valves anywhere here that need replacing, and the only way I can see forward is to start the engine and then force some sort of cap onto the breather to stop the leak, but with high compression, not sure it'll work.
Anyone have any ideas/experience with this ? Thanks in advance.

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