
New Member
First problem i have is the fuel pump is pushing fuel up the leak off pipe??? is this right??? its a constant flow and could this in theory hold of the injectors because there is pressure on the wrong side???

second is when i rev the engine it revs to 1100 then drops to about 900 but then you squeeze the throttle alittle more and it revs fine any idea??

thanks guys
I cant remember 100 percent but i think the leak off pipe feeds down to the inj pump return pipe, so the flow of diesel you can see is in fact the return from the inj pump and its taking the easy way out.
Wont effect the injectors in the way you are thinking.
Sounds to me like you have an air leak into the pipework somewhere.

Hi ,
I have a quick question, my 300tdi is leaking fuell from leak off. when i looked at engine there is a pipe connected from front to rear cylinder but on rear cylinder there is only the one pipe connected, fuel is leaking from other side of banjo. should there be another pipe on here? if so where does it connect.

its where i have fuel coming out of though. maybe the pipe could be on wrong side of banjo? each cylinder has 2 connectors, the rear one has a pipe on the left ( far rear ) but not on the one to the right. is this correct or should it be other way round?

its possible that they been mixed up or wrong on fitted they can break easily,only one the rear has one pipe blocked for obvious reasons check ,if all others are fine and wrong one fitted fit a piece of pipe with bolt or such blocking open end
on mine the leak off pipes go from no4 front facing to no3 rear facing....etc...........no4 only has 1 connection/pipe spigot thing.

Maybe they broke yours and put a double on and blocked one side that has now started leaking.

I'd whip it off and have a look

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