Benz R'over

New Member
Anybody of you leaf sprung guys up for a run out on the 13th April?
SI Club, SII Club, OLLR guys meeting at the Rheged Centre at 09:30
We have a few lanes earmarked, but happy to evolve plans on the day if someone has a better idea (I’ve only ever done the Old Coach Road, so probably not the best man to be in charge of the map)
Flask of tea, sandwiched and tow rope essential…
Which way’s Mecca again, I’ll do some serious praying for:-
A. Serious Sunshine
B. 2 feet of snow
Let me know which would suit best?
Names so far are:-
Dan – SII Dormobile
Dave and Tom – SII 88” (Poss. Ambulance?)
Jimmy – SII 88” Station Wagon
Ken – 88” Heap

Still to confirm dates are ok,
Roveerman – SI

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