
New Member
Just back from my latest trip in to the mountains of UAE and Oman. Seven hours driving in all and not as many pictures as I would like, the girls were looking with there eyes and not with the camera.

The narrow gorge was great (no pictures!) the vertical wall must have been over 100 meters high, we followed a dry river bed. I was using my New Garmin GPS but my old external antenna has the wrong connector so was using the GPS antenna, so consequently when in the gorge with limited visible sky the track does wonder a little.

Have a web page with pictures and a Google Earth route map with a few way-points of major points.,%20Kriss%20trip%20to%20Dibba.html

I only got lost once in Mahlad Bidda, trying to find the metal road home.

Sorry for the odd URL but that iWeb for you. And be a little patent, my web server is my old iBook.
It dunt work mate ??
but glad you enjoyed yersell ;) would love to see the pics

Why when i look at your post do i think MOLESTER ????:eek: :D

Sorry! No offence intended;)
Molester - aint that "Essence of Mole?" - who wants to smell like a mole......

but then agin - Who wants to live in a hole ;);)?
The Mad Hat Man said:
Molester - aint that "Essence of Mole?" - who wants to smell like a mole......

but then agin - Who wants to live in a hole ;);)?

no! but they feel all nice an soft an fury do moles !

i wonce went out wi a gurl that use to shave her..... Erm ! No best not on here ;) :D :rolleyes:
oh! its conjuneutr....siamese twins is it

ere !! its not her on the pimpmabird video is it??
oh! my mistake but with having the hairdressers car i thought fer a minute tha....oh never mind , i was wrong..ok
i wundered wot that was wingin its way over basingstoke - I thort it woz a meteor - obviously it was Snots stick

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