
Active Member
Hi all,

Recently, my laptop has started to freeze and unfreeze itself. It only appears to do it when I am on the internet (mozilla firefox browser), and only freezes on this forum. It will say 'not responding' and will freeze for 10 seconds, and then will work again. It does this every 60 secnds or so, and its a pain in the backside.

Any ideas?
laptop specs?

does it overheat?

ctrl + alt + del to get into task manager, see what the CPU/RAM usage is doing, if they reach 100%, it'll pretty much stop until it has the resources to work again.
Doesnt overheat, cleaned up the disd and defragged already, but thanks for the replies.

The odd thing is, it is literally ONLY on this forum, I can be on the internet for ages with no issues, and then when I come on here, it does it as soon as the page loads, and then keeps doing it until I close the window. Doesnt happen with any other sites though.
Or ''Windows Washer'' keeps pc running quick and deletes temp files etc at shutdown, free too.
run Spybot and clear all the adware. n stuff. Also check the power setting in Control Panel and make sure everything is correct. Sometimes these settings get messed up.
tbh, you won't really solve it unless you are semi clued up or get lucky.

If none of this makes sense, then sorry it would take too long to explain.

Check you haven't run out of ram and are io thrashing (use chrome to give you mem consumption on your tabs).

Use chrome to check cpu usage, also check task man.

That should give you a start.

Also, just because you should, run malwarebytes anti malware and spybot.
Has any one mentioned "Ccleaner" it's free, and does a great job.

Keeps my computers running sweet.

CCleaner and the like are brutal methods, especially anything that touches registries. Avoid them if possible.

The biggest reason why a forum can hang is ads or addons. This one has a fair few of both. On my main machine I don't see any noticeable slowdown, on my older laptop I do. Tbh, there isn't a whole lot you can do about it. Ads pay the bills which keep this place alive.
ccleaner only touches registry contents when they are unused or been replaced by a new one - as far as i have experienced, clearing the old ones shouldn't do any damage, but make sure you backup before you clear (ccleaner has an option to do this after you click on clear)

Adblock plus can remove ads if you want something to do that :)
OK, a bit more info -

Strangely enough, I said that it only freezes on this site, but I have now realised that it is only on the main forum page with all the sections listed?

If I folllow link to any subsections of the forum, then I have no freexing issues, but as soon as I reoad (or follow a link to) the main page, it freezes..?

I am running CCleaner already.

Thanks very much for the ideas and sugestions!

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