
New Member
Hi guys I'm after some advice as to where there are any lanes I can use in Doncaster area, I've done some reading and I'm going to ring up the "rights of way" people on Monday for a copy of the plans and I'm also going to buy an ordinance survey map Monday.
I was just wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a couple to put me on, goner take the kids out for a picnic as I don't get much time off work and it's something to keep the whole family entertained.
Hope some one can help!
Cheers Dan
you make it sound like your a decent guy but unfortunately the others that have been here before you and i ruined it for everyone. :mad:

People won't/dont give out lane locations because you just don't know strangers intentions.

Sad :( but its such a delicate subject at the moment.
why not pop along to one of our meets, first monday of the month, we could arange a local laning trip if you fancy
Doncaster has five, yes 5, Byways ... and they aren't close together ..

Look elsewhere for more lanes, especially if you want interesting lanes.

As tc says, come to the South Yorks workshop meets every first monday, ish .. ;)

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