

If you are on your way or planning to go to Stratford today, dont bother.

2.5 hour drive, £10 each to get in, all food stalls closed so in and out in 26 mins!

I get that the weather is bad but its probably the worst show I have ever been to. To not be able to get a coffee is s***.

Its been open an hour and a half and the queue getting is bigger than the one going in.

Sorry for the rant but im proper peed off

If you are on your way or planning to go to Stratford today, dont bother.

2.5 hour drive, £10 each to get in, all food stalls closed so in and out in 26 mins!

I get that the weather is bad but its probably the worst show I have ever been to. To not be able to get a coffee is s***.

Its been open an hour and a half and the queue getting is bigger than the one going in.

Sorry for the rant but im proper peed off

It's disappointing to hear about shows like this. I had planned to go, so pleased that I didn't bother.

Other than the lack of food (although I don't see why food stalls would close in the rain??), how was it?
Was planning on going to this tomorrow...having second thoughts now! How many stalls were there?

There was probably 15ish jumble stalls and 30odd companies (none of the usual ones, bolt on bits, apb, raptor, nene - there wasnt even a chequerplate stall!!!!!) and a few clubs.

Its probably a quarter of the size of the overland show that was there in September last year!
A real shame
Would you say it isn't worth bothering then tomorrow?

I drove past today, and saw that there was ABSOLUTELY no signage whatsoever about where to go? There were a few land rovers driving into the car boot field next door. It didn't look all that busy, but I saw a fair few land rovers arriving.

That said, in all honesty, I was massively ****ed off with the fact that I'm not able to exhibit because I have a bog standard series 2. The simple fact that is is still on the road and a daily use vehicle doesn't warrant a place for exhibiting. That put me right off the show in the first place. Are there many club stands to see?

Thanks for the heads up!
There were hardly any club stands at all. As for exhibit vehicles, there were a handful!

I did 2.5 hours each way today hence why I am so peed off. A complete waste of a day!

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