Tom Mc

Active Member
I’m sorry to say the latest LandyJumble event at Sibbertoft in Leicestershire 1st November 2009 has had to be cancelled.

Why? It’s a sign of the times I’m afraid, for it’s obvious there are just not enough folk out there playing … and therefore breaking their motors. That and the fact there seem to be less ‘winter projects’ in the pipeline i.e. restorations and rebuilds, hence autojumbles are going to suffer in the process.

Without enough sellers, buyers are going to suffer, and visa versa. It is therefore best for all concerned to bring the 2009 series of LandyJumbles to a premature end. I’d rather be honest and cancel it now than to have buyers/traders cold and miserable on the day kicking their heels. Frustrating I know, but that’s life!

Bring on 2010 and hopefully better financial times!!!

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